The BakerWoman
The blog about this Bibik who loves to makan, masak & indulge! FOOD IS LOVE, THANKS & NUTRITIOUS!
Blogs I enjoy reading:
Peranakan cooking
Peranakan Cultures
Nostalgic Singapore
Second Shot
Friday, December 25, 2009
Xmas Eve Dinner @ Cafe Vic, The Carlton Hotel
Desserts - Ice cream with lots of berries! Fondue.... Seafood.....prawns, scallops, clams, mussles Braised sea cucumber Crab curry..... My favourite roasts selections....... Oysters, Parma ham with honey dew..... Cold Crabs..... Selections from the buffet..... Fine selections of roasts, ranging from turkey to rabbit........prime rib Pizzas X'mas cake Dessert Galores..... Appetizer on my plate..... Well, am definitely overwhelmed by The Carlton's X'mas Eve dinner buffet! Due to the festive celebrations, the dinner @$72+++ is definitely worth it! Am impressed by the wide selections of items served: Appeitzers: Salads, fine selections of cheeses with berries, sushis, tuna/salmon sashimis, oysters, scallops, mussels, cold prawns/crabs Soups: Fish maw & Cream of chicken Main courses: Braised sea cucumber, Roasts from the wagon (inclusive of turkey & rabbit), curried crabs, Hot station: pasta, meat, seafood to your request, An Indian hot station, etc........ Desserts: Ice cream, Berries, Fondue, X'mas cake selections.......lots of goodies & crepes.........not forgetting your cup of freshly brewed coffee! Here's wishing all a Merry X'mas and a blessed 2010.............
The Bakerwoman - Coffee Talk at 11:56 AM
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Ayam Buah Keluak (the popular Peranakan dish)
 Buah Keluak is a black or dark brown nut from Indonesia about the size and shape of a flattened golf ball......it actually resembled the Brazil nut! We, Peranakans love this dish very much and is a ambrosia among the Peranakan dishes...... Before the buah keluaks are cooked, it is recommended that these nuts are scrubbed and cleaned, soaked for 4-5 days. The recipe is similar to the assam pedas recipe..........great with white rice!
The Bakerwoman - Coffee Talk at 3:32 PM
Sambal Goreng
 This is sambal goreng..........my Indonesian helper cooked delicious Indonesian food....It is mixed vegetables (french bean, tempeh, taukwa etc) lightly stewed in an aromatic, coconut based sauce.
The Bakerwoman - Coffee Talk at 3:28 PM
Brotzeit @ VivoCity
Bockwurst Tafelspitz (Beef)
Huhnerwurst - Spicy Chicken The yet to complete Universal Studio, in SentosaOver looking @ Sentosa, the completion of the upcoming Universal Studio is in good progress and should be completed by early 2010. We had lunch @ Brotzeit, a subsidiary of Paulaner Brauhaus........German food. I love the Hunerwurst, spicy chicken sausages with sauerkraut & mustard! I prefer alfresco dining as I had enough of the cold aircon in VivoCity....... good food, great scenery and off course a good company to keep me through the afternoon! Not forgetting a good glass of beer!
The Bakerwoman - Coffee Talk at 3:13 PM
Deep Fried Fish Slice Bee Hoon Soup
Deep Fried Fish Slice I love fish slice bee hoon soup. However, there are certain fishes that I loathe because of the fishy smell and after taste. This fish soup stall in Bedok South Ave 3 hawker centre serves the best deep fried fish soup. Red snapper fish was used to cook this delicious fish soup.........The hawker centre serves the best mee rubus, soya bean milk, chicken rice and many other local delights! You can opt to add mee sua, yee mee or rice to the fish soup.........
The Bakerwoman - Coffee Talk at 3:07 PM
Sunday, December 13, 2009
R Burger @ Ion Orchard..........
  Salmon Burger
Avocado, Cheese Beefburger Ume Chicken Burger The Signature R......I've read the review in the newspaper on R Burger and learnt that it was franchised by a Mediacorp actor, Adam Chen. Nothing much to rave about R Burger.......except it was sandwiched by "man tou".....which I thought it was a tad too soft to eat with the meat patties.... Hubby & kids prefer Carl's Junior than R Burger.......
The Bakerwoman - Coffee Talk at 7:39 PM
Hainanese Mutton Soup.......Chin Chin Coffeeshop
Tender Mutton Ribs..... Chin Chin Coffeeshop in Purvis Street is reknown for their infamous chicken rice.......but I love their Hainanese mutton soup in claypot..... wolf berries, herbs and I love the tender mutton ribs! This soup is served only on Fridays, Saturdays & Sunday only..........super!!!
The Bakerwoman - Coffee Talk at 7:28 PM
The Best Teochew Noodle in Lloyd Road......
 Thanks to hubby Mike........the best Teochew mee pok in S'pore is in Killiney Road, alongst Lloyd Road......the vinegar added was just right....I've tasted so many so called Teochew mee....this is simply the best! Consistency was just right!!!! Look @ the ingredients.....the best of the 70's! I would not waste my time eating kaya peng kang lohti for breakfast although the original Killiney Kopi toast was just a few units away...........this coffee shop which served the Teochew mee also served the best kopi.......
The Bakerwoman - Coffee Talk at 7:17 PM
Laksa @ East Coast Lagoon Centre
 I love laksa.........not the original Katong laksa (short noodle version), but this particular stall in the Lagoon Hawker Centre.........can't remember his stall number - its the fishball noodle, next to the rojak and chicken wing outlet..........the gravy is just right and home made fish cake is simply awesome!
The Bakerwoman - Coffee Talk at 7:12 PM
Tea Lounge @ The Regent
 Broiche, an array of sandwiches.....  Cinnamon & plain scones, cheese stick, quiche, baked curry puff.....  My platter of Xmas mince pie, mixed fruit eclair, fruit cake, cheesecake & stollen  The 3 tier tea set.......refillable upon requests..... I love Fridays because its the day for me to catch up with my girl friends over a nice cozy coffee, tea, dinner or a night of pubbing in Clarke Quay..... its TGIF .........the day I had a wonderful time with Lina over 3 cups of freshly brewed coffee, scones, sandwiches and some Xmas goodies....since the festive season is around the corner.... However, we were marred by the inattentive service staff.......did not refill my coffee after 3 attempts to catch their attention.....service really sucked in the Tea Lounge.....cakes served were not fantastic either...... We had earlier wanted to try the Goodwook Park hotel's L'Expresso Lounge but due to the overwhelming responses, the cafe was full! Charges for the L'Expresso Lounge tea set is presently $39++ due to more goodies being served during this festive season...... Tea Lounge @ The Regent is priced @ $36++. Ambience here is suited for business meetings.....
The Bakerwoman - Coffee Talk at 6:54 PM
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Fried Vermicelli (Thai style), Pork Terrine & Wild Boar Meat (ChinaTown)
Fried Vermicelli, Thai style My favourite - pork terrine, with chilli dip Mixed meat platter - wild boar & trotterHeaded to ChinaTown today to get a pressie ............would like to get something traditional for a little boy in Canada..........found a very cute oriental outfit for him. I found my pork terrine - Teochew cold dish.........LOST & FOUND! Wild boar, shark terrine & braised meat were served here............only in ChinaTown! Would definitely try the Cantonese braised duck in my next visit to ChinaTown......before the Lunar New Year and perhaps a Cheong Sam for myself in the next trip???
The Bakerwoman - Coffee Talk at 10:30 PM
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Kith Cafe, 7 Rodyk Street, Watermark@Robertson Quay
The blackboard menu All Day Breakkie is served all day! Cuppinccino I first read about Kith Cafe from a local magazine, Simply Her (I think). What attracted me to Kith was - All day breakfast is served here! The cuppinccino is artistically done and another of the hot favourite is pancake served with ice cream or cream......... Friendly staff were previously from Jones the Grocer...........a cozy place to chill out, away from Orchard Road....
The Bakerwoman - Coffee Talk at 9:13 AM
Crystal Jade, Scotts
 Century Egg & Meat Congee  Lychee Boat Congee My platter of fish maw, pork tendon, mushroom & duck web Briased Seafood & Duck Web in Claypot I love Crystal Jade congee (porridge) and my favourite: Lychee Boat congee. Slices of fish maw, fish, duck, cuttlefish and you tiao (deep fried strip dough) were added to the congee. Another of my favourite is the braised duck web........pork tendon.........yummy and tender!
The Bakerwoman - Coffee Talk at 8:59 AM